Mitchell Hynes

I provide: Workshops and Training

Workshops and Training

As a consultant, it is my job to inform and educate. One of the most effective ways to do that is through practical, focused workshops.

As a GetCoding coach, my success rate is high

My workshops are not your typical corporate training session. They’re intense, intensive, and packed with real-world, practical insights. I’m a teacher who does.

Topics, format, and content can be worked out together to best suit your needs, but generally speaking, we’ll be focusing on the entire gamut of web things: tooling, techniques, case studies, insider knowledge, tips, tricks, and a whole lot more.

We’ll look at your own sites and products as I take your team through the exact steps needed to correctly identify and address issues. At the end of it all, you end up with an up-skilled team and a better app. It’s a win-win.

Workshops are in-person in St. John’s Newfoundland. I can work most weekdays, and I need at least 2 weeks to prepare.